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Salt 소금

Try out Premium Kosher certified, Korean Sea Salt.

IT is Kosher certified 100% sea salt from the West Sea tidal flats in Korea, one of the top 5 world tidal flats and biosphere reserves designated by UNESCO's Man and Biosphere' program. It contains high mineral content due to natural drying method.

Sourcing & Selecting

Grocery store Look for natural salt without treatment of yellow prussiate of soda or without anti-caking agent. Check ingredients on the product label and check the manufacturer website for the use of anti-caking agent. Avoid to use table salt as it is treated with yellow prussiate of soda and contains anti-caking agent. e.g. Morton TFC Sea Salt is prepared by treating Sea Salt with a minute concentration of yellow prussiate of soda, an additive permitted for food use, as a water-soluble anti-caking agent.
How to Measure: 
Coming soon
Nutrition and Health Facts: 
Coming Soon


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