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Red Chili Paste Stew with Tuna, Chamchi Gochujang Jjigae

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Average: 3 (1 vote)
nut free
prep time: 
5 min
inactive time: 
0 min
cooking time: 
35 min
total time: 
40 min

Gochujang Jjiagae is a popular camping food among Koreans because it is a great way to make a hearty, satisfying meal with just a can of tuna and some vegetables. It’s enjoyed at home as well when there is not much to cook with.

Buy Korean ingredients online here.

Gochujang Jjiagae is a popular camping food among Koreans because it is a great way to make a hearty, satisfying meal with just a can of tuna and some vegetables. It’s enjoyed at home as well when there is not much to cook with.

Buy Korean ingredients online here.

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7½ tbsGochujang (Hot Pepper Paste) 고추장
38 Anchovy (dried) 멸치
2½ piece(s)Kelp (dried, 2" X 2" or 5 cm x 5 cm) 다시마 (optional)
2½ Canned Tuna 참치 통조림
7½ cupsWater 물
2½ Onion (Medium) 양파
1½ Zucchini, Korean (Grey Squash) 애호박
1½ Potato 감자
1½ Red Chili Pepper 붉은 고추 (optional)
1½ Green Chili Pepper 풋고추 (optional)
1½ Green Onion 파
11 ozTofu, Soft or regular (for stew) 두부 (찌개용) (about ½ block, optional)
2½ tspGarlic (minced) 다진 마늘
2½ tspGochugaru, Korean Hot Pepper Flakes 고춧가루 (optional)
1 tspSalt 소금

Optional Ingredients and Substitutions -You can make the soup without anchovies and kelp. To do so, sauté one can of tuna on high heat for a few minutes. Add water, seasonings and vegetables as directed in the instructions. Then, add another can of tuna at the end. -Dried Kelp, tofu, red chili flakes and potato can be omitted. -Red chili pepper and green chili peppers can be replaced with regular red and green peppers. More questions? Please leave your questions below in the comment section. We will do our best to answer as soon as we can.
Ingredient amounts in the recipe instructions are for the default serving size.
Click to enlarge photos.
Ingredient amounts in the recipe summary are for the default serving size.

1. Broth

Boil 3 cups of water in a pot (or stone bowl). Put 15 heads of anchovy and 1 piece of kelp (2” X 2” or 5cm x 5cm) into boiling water. Let it boil with a lid on high heat for 15 min. Remove anchovies and kelp from the broth. You can make the soup without anchovies and kelp. See tips above for instructions.

image: STRPAA01.JPG

Boil 3 cups water


  • 15 anchovies
  • 1 piece kelp (2” X 2” or 5cm x 5cm)

Boil with lid

High Heat image: highheat.png image: clock.png 15 min

2. Cut

While making the broth, prepare vegetables. Wash them under running water. Cut ½ potato and ½ zucchini in half lengthwise and slice thinly into half circles (about ¼” thick). Peel and cut ½ onion into bite size pieces. Slice ½ red chili pepper, ½ green chili pepper and ½ green onion diagonally. Slice ½ block of tofu into bite size cubes).

image: STRPAA02.JPG

Wash vegetables

Slice potato & zucchini thinly into half circles

Peel & cut ½ onion into bit size

Cut diagonally

  • ½ red chili pepper
  • ½ green chili pepper
  • ½ green onion

Cut tofu into cubes

3. Seasoning

Dissolve 3 tablespoon of gochujang (red chili paste), 1 teaspoon of gochugaru (red chili flakes), 1 teaspoon of minced garlic and ½ teaspoon of salt into the broth.

image: STRPAA03.JPG


4. Add Vegetables

Add potato, onion and zucchini. Boil with a lid on medium heat for 15 min or until vegetables are cooked through.

image: STRPAA04.JPG


  • potato
  • onion
  • zucchini

Boil with lid

Med Heat image: medheat.png image: clock.png 15 min

until vegetables are cooked

5. Add tuna

Drain all the water (or oil) from the canned tuna and add to the stew. Do not stir so that tuna does not break down.

image: STRPAA05.JPG

Drain water from canned tuna

Add tuna

Do not stir

6. Finish

Add tofu, green onion and red and green chili peppers. Boil with a lid on medium heat it for 7 min. Taste and add more salt if necessary.

image: STRPAA06.JPG


  • tofu
  • green onion
  • red chili pepper
  • green chili pepper

Boil with lid

Med Heat image: medheat.png image: clock.png 7 min

Taste and season

7. Enjoy!

Serve with rice. Enjoy!

image: STRPAA07.JPG



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Grace's picture